
History for youth

When the idea of producing high quality books for young readers about Iranian history and culture was conceived, one of the first and most important

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Khatami Withdraws His Candidacy

TEHRAN, Iran (CNN) — Iran’s moderate former president will not challenge President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad in the upcoming presidential election, the state-run Fars news agency said

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کود نوشته هایم را بر ریشهء باورها میریزم و در اطاقکی گسترده به جنگل نقب می زنم از گذشته تا حال آه که کرم عمر

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Old-age love-making

Mystery of wisdom Turns on, Beauty of logic Just adds on, This thread woven in heart, But matured in time, Each wrinkle but a witness,

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Iran, Jews and Pragmatism

Iran — as compared with Arab countries including Syria, Saudi Arabia and Egypt — has an old itch for representative government, evident in the 1906

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زن چهل ساله يعني شراب

من هيچ وقت اينجوري نبودم.نه رومانتيك بودم مثل ژيگولوهاي لاتين، نه جنتلمن مثل ريچارد شيردل… هميشه ميگفتم به اطرافيان كه : اقا جان… دو چيز

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Ode To Azadeh

Dear Azadeh, I am lifting my fatwa against you. After Lipstick Jihad, I wrote you off as regular “Iranian Chick Lit chick” who wanted quick

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British & Russian Games

In the publisher’s note it says: “…one year later, Shuster was ejected from the country, a victim of British and Russian diplomatic intrigue.” Also –

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persecution of Baha’is in IRI

Criminalizing the Baha’i Religion March 15, 2009 By Dr. Christopher Buck The opposite of freedom of religion is the banning of religion. The Baha’i faith-community

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دوباره باز آمد بهار شاعران   پروانه مست  و بی پروا  پرید   سرمای زمستان رفت با کاروان   کوه یخ دریاچه شکست و نالید

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