The Soviet system of Baha’i elections
Originally posted, here by IT IS SELECTION NOT ELECTION A. A study of Baha’i institution Many control mechanisms relate to the electoral system
Originally posted, here by IT IS SELECTION NOT ELECTION A. A study of Baha’i institution Many control mechanisms relate to the electoral system
When the idea of producing high quality books for young readers about Iranian history and culture was conceived, one of the first and most important
TEHRAN, Iran (CNN) — Iran’s moderate former president will not challenge President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad in the upcoming presidential election, the state-run Fars news agency said
کاملاً معلوم است که اوضاع کشور، بخاطر بی لياقتی ها، فساد فراگير و ماجراجوئی های ابلهانهء کابينهء محمود احمدی نژاد، رفته رفته شکل اوضاع دوران
کود نوشته هایم را بر ریشهء باورها میریزم و در اطاقکی گسترده به جنگل نقب می زنم از گذشته تا حال آه که کرم عمر
Is the Israel lobby in Washington an all-powerful force? Or is it, perhaps, running scared? Judging by the outcome of the Charles W. (“Chas”) Freeman
Mystery of wisdom Turns on, Beauty of logic Just adds on, This thread woven in heart, But matured in time, Each wrinkle but a witness,
Former Vice President Dick Cheney said Sunday that President Obama had made the country less safe, asserting that the new administration’s changes to detention and
Even with their hard their living conditions, these people living in the margins in Bandar Abbas manage to put a smile on their face. On
Finally, Khatamis is giving up. Is a sad day in Irans political history. Not a surprise though… >>>
Iran — as compared with Arab countries including Syria, Saudi Arabia and Egypt — has an old itch for representative government, evident in the 1906
The legendarily beautiful Egyptian queen Cleopatra was part African, say a documentary team who believe they have found the tomb of her sister. It was
last German Emperor Wilhelm II (1859-1941) and Mozaffar-ed-Din Shah Qajar of Persia Iran (1853-1907) during his Berlin visit in Mai -June 1902.
In an article titled, (Counterpunch, March 4, 2009), Marjorie Cohn, sets out clearly the role of two key figures in the drafting of a set
من هيچ وقت اينجوري نبودم.نه رومانتيك بودم مثل ژيگولوهاي لاتين، نه جنتلمن مثل ريچارد شيردل… هميشه ميگفتم به اطرافيان كه : اقا جان… دو چيز
Dear Azadeh, I am lifting my fatwa against you. After Lipstick Jihad, I wrote you off as regular “Iranian Chick Lit chick” who wanted quick
In the publisher’s note it says: “…one year later, Shuster was ejected from the country, a victim of British and Russian diplomatic intrigue.” Also –
Criminalizing the Baha’i Religion March 15, 2009 By Dr. Christopher Buck The opposite of freedom of religion is the banning of religion. The Baha’i faith-community
دوباره باز آمد بهار شاعران پروانه مست و بی پروا پرید سرمای زمستان رفت با کاروان کوه یخ دریاچه شکست و نالید
Obama is planning on writing a letter to Khamenei. Apparently, the issues addressed will be Iran’s role in Afghanistan and Iraq as well as Iran’s
در ایامی که یاران ایران در زندان اوین به سر میبرند و هر هفته تعدادی دیگر از بهائیان ایران به زندانهای کشور راهی میشوند،
PARIS (AFP): Pop art legend Andy Warhol is to be showcased in Paris for the first time since his death in 1987. Warhol’s Wide World, an exhibition
A Tehran businessman at the center of an alleged international weapons-trafficking scheme was charged today in federal court with violating U.S. export-control laws, two days
Leslie H. Gelb, who worked as a high official in two administrations before serving as CFR’s president for ten years, says the United States should