Promoting Kindness to Goldfish

This is the third year without gold fish on our Haft-Sin table. 

Taking a break at work, I just checked out the front page of the latest IranDokht website. I found this editorial that I thought some of you may be interested in:


We are spreading a message to Iranians, Tajiks, Afghans, and others to join us in not using a “goldfish,” at their Haft Sin table. Our Nowruz celebration will begin soon and it is beautiful time of the year which represents our identity. However, not having a goldfish will not diminish the importance of Haft Sin.

It is important to keep our good traditions and modify or eliminate the ones that are harmful to people, animals, and to the environment.

If you and your family members must add a goldfish (mahi ghermez) to your Haft Sin table please follow the steps below which are prepared by The Center for Animal Lovers in Iran.

– If you are buying a goldfish, purchase it from locations which have large containers and the containers’ water is clean.

– The container which you use must be large (preferably glass) and have also a large opening for good air circulation.

– The container must be away from very cold or very hot locations (and it definitely must be away from direct sunlight.)

– If you want to change the water, have fresh water wait for at least 24 hours in another container then gently transfer the new water.

– To prevent the goldfish from feeling lonely and frightened, always use more than one fish, preferably two.

– Have a plan to release the fish safely after Nowruz celebration.

Some family members, relatives, and friends are accepting not having a goldfish at their Haft Sin table for the first time. Several family members and friends have difficulty accepting it that is why I am writing to seek your help.

The Center for Animal Lovers in Iran promotes kindness not only to a goldfish but to all animals.

Happy Nowruz

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