Barrack, you should’ve bite your tongue!

Happy Nowrooz to all.

Whatever Obama said today with regards to “Islamic Republic’s role” is devastating to the cause of liberty and freedom in Iran. Recognizing a Fascist regime which is the primary responsible of the spread of Islamic Fundamentalism, the culture of death and martyrdom and blind and irrational anti Americanism will be a huge propaganda victory of the regime and because they have no wisdom or common sense, they will take and promote this gesture as “America bowing down to us”. Mark my word.

I don’t know if Trita “traitor” Parsi, who is clueless about politics and reality but is being viewed by leftist American media as “Iran expert!”, and his IRI lobby gang at NIAC advised him to do that, but at some point, people need to realize that IRI is not about peace and co existence. Why is there this double standard that there is always an expectation from America to make a move, but no one asks IRI to make a move, or a gesture? I’m not sure why people don’t listen to IRI itself, which endlessly talks about the “mission” it has to promote Islam (of course their fundamentalist version of it) around the world and taking over the world by it. Don’t listen to what we’re saying, listen to what they’re saying!!!

Barrack, we greatly appreciate the part of your speech about our liberal and humane heritage, however, the part about the illegal and illegitimate regime will only help the prolonging of IRI’s disgusting existence. Nothing good will come out of this. This will lead to nothing. Now Iranians will feel frustrated that if the U.S is willing to deal with IRI, then they are doomed to live with it! If U.S is not willing to put pressure and confront the IRI, then who will or can? Who will help the Iranian people? IRI itself has said a million times that our problems with America won’t be resolved over negotiation table. Again, listen to what they say! And if you think they’re bluffing, you don’t know Iranians! They will die sticking to their stance! No one is more stubborn than Iranians, from all walks of life! IRI will never ever give up its blind Anti Americanism culture because its part of what it is, it’s actually its keystone!

The path to democracy and liberty in Iran just took a huge blow. Obama, you disappointed us.

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