Now I Know How JJ Feels
Know I now how JJ feels!! I am now always working too,on my site ( that I created a few days ago.I have to do
Know I now how JJ feels!! I am now always working too,on my site ( that I created a few days ago.I have to do
Learn as how to read between the lines as oppose to believe everything you See, Hear or Read. What Obama’s message to Iran means :
I’m lost for words, sitting here thinking. Last year this time, it was the horrific pictures of people being hanged by cranes, and this year,
Happy Nowrooz to all. Whatever Obama said today with regards to “Islamic Republic’s role” is devastating to the cause of liberty and freedom in Iran.
TEHRAN, Iran – The Iranian government brushed aside a Persian New Year’s message Friday from President Barack Obama offering to resolve years of hostility, saying
بخواه بخواه آنچه که نمیشود خرید ببخش ببخش آنچه که میشود شمرد بشنو بشنو آنچه که نمیشود گفت بشکن بشکن آنچه که نباید
معلم زندگیم گفت عشق چیست لحظه معلق شد و فکر گریخت گفتم عشق جرقه ای در برخورد چشم هاست نسیم گرمیست که از صخره ها
Greetings to All, You may find the following of interest: Origins of Now-Ruz (New Year), the Nissanu and the 365 Day Year… >>>
Cairo – For the first time in three years, Hussein Bakhit, a 20-year-old student from Cairo, can leave his house without worrying about being stopped
The United States continues to show its ignorance to the rest of the world by grouping everyone into friends, enemies, and potential friends or enemies.
When Benjamin Franklin was called before the British Parliament in 1757 and asked to account for the prosperity in the American colonies. He replied, “That
در عدالت، در ره ایزد مکن ای یادگار بر سر خفتان مرو، ای دلبر مه تاب ما عدالت گر بود، شیرین تر از مردانگی