Remember in life that :
All is well when it Ends well. Persistence will Always pay. It does not matter how many fights you lose in life, it matters how many times you get up and fight again especially when Someone has taken Away your rights. Giving up is as good as dieing except when you die you die for ever and when you Give up you Regret it for ever.
All is well when it Ends well. Persistence will Always pay. It does not matter how many fights you lose in life, it matters how many times you get up and fight again especially when Someone has taken Away your rights. Giving up is as good as dieing except when you die you die for ever and when you Give up you Regret it for ever.
When you make a Fool of yourself there is Always someone whom will ride on Your back. Law is the wisdom free from passion. The devil you know is better than the devil you don`t know. You can niether take away my Noble Persian identity nor take away my freedom. The biggest fool is the one Nation which makes the Same mistake twice.
No Empire will last for ever, but All will remember the First World Superpower.
i.e. Persian Empire which was built on True Human Rights.