People, I’m just putting in this entry to start a discussion. I’d REALLY like your feedback on this subject. Please contribute, as it’s a subject that has bogged my mind for quite a long time. Thanks!
I’ll make it quick:
It’s been said, and it’s a well-known fact, that the Shah and a foreign guest of his (I forget who) were one day discussing politics, when the guest asks the Shah why he won’t allow a democratic government to take shape in Iran. The Shah turns around and says something in the order of: “Are you kidding? You would like me to give democracy to these people? You think these people can take a democracy?”
What do you think of what the Shah said? Was he right? Was he wrong? Please reply by putting aside your partisanship –whether you loved the Shah or you’re a communist or an IR supporter– as much as you can and try to be objective in your response. I want to know what you really think about his statement. Remember, the Shah could have been wrong in his thinking too, sometimes. In any case, the focus of the intended discussion is not him, but what he said. Were/are the people of Iran ready/worthy of a democracy?
Thank you in advance.