Who is an “Iran Expert”?

What does qualify someone to be an “expert” on a matter? In the era of Internet and Globalization and flow of information and access to higher education, how do some people, allegedly, exceed the level of knowledge that others have and become an “expert”?

During the last few years, we saw that the leftist media invites some now-famous Iranians to talk about Iran and U.S – Iran relations as “experts on Iran”. The most notable one lately was when World Focus got Trita Parsi to talk about Pres. Obama’s message to the Mullah regime. He and his group NIAC, which act as a lobby for the IRI regime, are portrayed by the leftist media as “Iran experts”! So I like to brainstorm here and see what are some of the possible qualifications that they have which makes them “Iran experts” and the rest of us Iranians not. How are they getting the airtime and the attention to talk about Iran and speak on behalf of Iranians and influence U.S and Iranian public opinion and U.S decision makers, and the rest do not?

Here are some of the possibilities:

– They are college educated: That does not fly. Iranians are one of the most highly educated ethnic groups in this great country. There are many other Iranians who have higher or equaling degrees than what Parsi and Amirahmadi and Reza Asalan have, so why them?

– They are Iranians and know about Iran: Well, we are too!

– They are Americans and know about this country: Well, we are too!

– They take frequent visits to Iran and see things first hand and talk to people and get their opinion and see reality first hand: Well, we do too!

– They have inside access and information about the IRI regime: Very likely. However, that raises a question. If that is the case, IRI being what it is, one of the closest and secretive regimes in the world, would not let any outsider that it feels will not work for its benefit get that inside access and information, so doesn’t that make NIAC take positions in favor of the IRI? If so, why is the leftist media giving airtime to them, but not to the opposite side? Does that mean Leftist media is unfair and biased! (The answer offcourse is YES).

– They are involved and/or aware of the political process in the U.S: There are many other Iranian Americans in the same category. Again, why NIAC then?

– They speak on behalf of the Iranian American community: where is the proof? And we all know that’s not the case in any way, shape or form.

– They are organized and are “Political Activists”: Very likely, but that also raises a question. What logic says that solely because they are “activists”, they are experts? Also, there are many other Iranian activists that have been snubbed by the leftist media as being “extremists”. Why aren’t their views expressed?

– They are not “extremists”!: I love that one! A group that calls for the continuance of IRI regime, the most extremist regime in the world, is not “extremist”, but someone who calls for a free Iran (not by war, but by the world, including the U.S, helping Iranians remove the regime), is labeled as “extremist”! Furthermore, shouldn’t the media give equal access to ALL views, including extremists? What ever happened to Journalism responsibility and ethics and fairness? Offcourse we know the left does not have any of those!

– That segment of the media that engages in NEWSterntainment, find these groups “entertaining”: I don’t think so, unless I’m the only one not getting entertained by Hooshang Amir Ahmadi!

– They are ideologically similar to them: I think that is most possible scenario. We all know that left’s influence in universities and media have been growing steadily for the last 15 – 20 years or so. Although there is a backlash now and people are waking up, but most of the time, the leftist media only gives airtime to ones who are politically and ideologically in agreement with them. They do that so they can ask the obvious question and receive the obvious answer. When they claim they are being “fair”, they find a stooge like Rush Limbaugh and portray him as the entire non-left! As result, the majority who are moderate get no voice and are labeled “neo cons” or “Islamo phobes” or extremists! (Some Iranians will call you a “Zionist” also!)

I tried to come up with as many possibilities why these groups which in no way represent the Iranian voice, are getting so much attention, and the rest do not get a chance to express their opinion in the same playing field as groups like NIAC do. And by rest, I do mean the moderate majority who wants to see a free Iran and peace between Iran and U.S, not FOX or Rush Limbaugh.

The conclusion is that the left does not play it fair. It never has and never will. And also, IRI has done a great job employing groups such as NIAC to lobby for them and to improve their image among the public and decision makers.

We need to speak out and change this. This is a democracy, and we shouldn’t let those who are clueless about the interest of the Iranian people hijack our voice.

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