Got Love Insurance?

Words barely mean anything to me anymore. They tend to go in one ear and out the other…But no matter what, some tend to stick….

It was almost a year ago and during a conversation about life, love, and such, a man whose words I not only respected at the time but took to heart, told me when it comes to feelings, no-one ever gives a 100%…that one always keeps at least 10% for themselves you know as “insurance”…so if you give 90% and keep 10% then you’re covered for liability, if you give 80% and keep 20% then you’re covered for liability and personal injury, and so forth.

I automatically disagreed. I mean how can you make a business transaction out of your feelings? what’s the point of insurance? isn’t it like “not” feeling at all?

But after several accidents and of course not being covered, I started to remember those words…insurance…huh…

So I decided I needed insurance. Another accident and I won’t be able to afford fixing the damages. It was time to decide what kind to buy…liability? with personal injury coverage? who knew?…

So I thought long and hard and decided on full coverage. Seemed to be the option with the best long term savings.

Let the reckless driving begin….I’m covered a 100%.

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