Those of you who follow my blogs know that I submitted one regarding our unwillingness to seek psychotherapy. I believe “lack of familiarity” factor needs further discussion.
In a nut shell Psychotherapy is about helping people recognize and acknowledge their strengths and weaknesses. Psychotherapy is about helping people use their strengths and channel their weaknesses in a way that help them to grow.
A short story that I heard a long long time ago might help.
Once upon a time, there was an old wise man in India. A newly wed young woman went to see him. The wise man asked the young woman ” what has brought you here today?”
“I am desperately in love with my husband, but he does not pay any attention to me. He is cold and distant. He dos not talk, does not smile, shows no affection and seems angry and dissatisfied with me. Please tell me what to do. I would do anything to save my marriage.” She said.
The wise man replied ” I will tell you exactly what to do. But first, you have to tame and get close to the lion that lives by the river. No one dares to get close to him because he is very scary.
The young woman agreed . Next day she got some fresh meat and went to see the lion. As soon as she got to the river, she saw the lion growling and showing his teeth. The young woman was terrified. But she mustered enough courage to leave the meat at his sight. She continued to do the same thing every day. Gradually the lion stopped growling, allowing the young woman get closer and closer. He even seemed happy to see her. Soon the young woman was able to get close enough to pet the lion.
The young woman was happy and excited. “Now the wise man will tell me what to do to save my marriage.” She thought, rushing to see him. The woman told the wise man her story, anxiously waiting for his advice. The wise man looked at her kindly and asked ” How did you do that? What helped you get close to a wild beast like that ?” The young woman thought for a while and said ” I think I was nurturing, caring, patient and courageous.” The wise man said “I do not think you need my advice.”