دایی جان ازل سابق – و حالا ” حضرت” دایی جان


Bahais want nothing more than a fair representation of facts, without sensation, distortion or their incendiary portrayal as British/Russian/American/Israeli conspiracy.

( After the recent Canadian Parliament resolution, we are waiting to be called agents of Canada) 

For far too long, we have had to endure this kind of truly outrageous ,baseless, and hypocritical accusation.

However, I humbly ask to see a marked change in Nur’s approach, not to mention a willingness to sincerely answer the questions put to him,; answers that are not mere links to anti Bahai vitriol, but answers that tells his story and the reason behind his self destructive angst.

I for one want nothing but friendly dialogue; I can not call myself a Bahai otherwise.



Update please see

Mr Wahid Azal/Nur’s claim to Prophethood is the apparent outcome of the above.

Finally a clue … 


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