pictory:Mozzafar-e-Din Shah With British Royals (1902)

Mozzafar-e-Din Shah On Board The Royal British Yacht, Portsmouth, 20 August 1902.

Seated in the picture from left to right

His Royal Highness the Prince of Wales George V,

His Majesty the Shah of Persia,

Her Majesty Queen Alexandra,

His Majesty King Edward VII and Her Royal Highness Princess of Wales Victoria. 

NOTE:  The diamond on the cap of Mozzafar-e-Din Shah, The Shah of Persia, is the famous “Darya e Noor” aka “Sea of light”, it is the sister diamond to the “Koh e Noor” or “Mountain of Light” which is now part of the British Crown Jewels.

Standing from left to right:

Ala-ol-Saltaneh (Minister in the Persian Embassy in London), 

Seif-ol-Sultan, Hakim-el-Molk Grand Vazir Secretary of State for the Imperial Court ,



Prime Minister of Persia Mirza Ali Asghar Khan Amin-al-Sultan Atabak e Azam

Husseingholi Khan Navab,

Amir Bahador Hossein Pasha Khan (Minister of War)

Paul Ketabchi Khan,




Mirza Ebrahim Khan (later Hakim-el-Molk) Hakimi Physician to the Shah  (Mirza Mahmoud Khan’s nephew and son in law)


Doctor Sir Hugh Adcock,

Hajeb-e-Doleh Davaloo Qajar, Ebrahim Hakimi’s cousin,

Prince Arthur of Connaught and Doctor C Lindsey.

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