I am a girl. I don’t abet
I am lovely. You can bet
I have a cat. It hates cigarette
It is in my incalculable debt

I like kites, hawks, elanet
At times I fret and forget
What I want, I always get
Or I stir a nest of hornet

I am addicted to Internet
I text message at speed of jet
Vouches for it, my friend Kat
All liberties to her, I can let

Friends say I am a MAGNET
They are charmed into my net
Compare me to herb orchanet
Some consider me their pet

I am an open file quannet
Nothing in life I ever regret
In my ways, I am always set
To some, it seems a threat

There is no time to be upset
For my doggie, there is a vet
As it gets fever after it is wet
Like me, in its ways, it is exact

I haven’t met my match as yet
Although I advertised on ZDNet

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