A Prayer for Justice (goodbye iranian.com!)

هو العدل 


In the Name of That Who is the Just Who hath Decreed with Justice from Pre-Eternity!  

Say, It is the Sun of Justice and there is no other Pure Light of Justice found besides It neither in the Heavens, nor in the earth nor what is between them!

O my God, verily I invoke Thee by Thy Justice Most Equitable for Thou art indeed That Justice Most Just in the essence of consummate Justice by Thy Name the Just in the Attribute of Justness Most Brilliant, Most Scintillant, Most Irradiant whether in the Heavens, in the earth or what is between them!

O my God, verily I invoke Thee by Thy Decree Most High for indeed Thy Decree is That Decree whereby all-things are existentiated at each moment by the Will of That Volition that is the quintessence of Thy Word in the acme of that Victory which is Thy Light, Thy Luminescence and Thy Resplendence in the Heavens, in the earth and what is between them!

O my God, verily I invoke Thee by Thy Sovereignty Most Established for indeed Thy Sovereignty is That Sovereignty whereby the essential quiddities of all-things are upraised in their beinghood in each instant by the Dominion of That Domination that is the conclusive Might of Thy Power borne of the Singular Sovereignty which is in Thy Hands, in Thy Possession and under Thy Protection within the Heavens, within the earth and what is between them!

O my God, verily I invoke Thee by Thy Wisdom Most Stupendous for indeed Thy Wisdom is That Wisdom whereby the contingent realities of all-things are realized from before and after in the realization of that Reality which is Thy Omnipotence Most Manifest by the Appearance of Thy Visage which hath annihilatively effaced the darkness of the inversion of negation with Thy Existence, by Thy Being and in Thy Essence within the Heavens, within the earth and what is between them!

O my God, verily I invoke Thee by Thy Names the Vanquisher, the Victorious, the Equitable, the Just, the Wise and the Sovereign to grant Thy servants the Just Vanquishment, the Victorious Equity, the Wise Justice and the Sovereign Word for there is no other Justice but in Thee the Living, the Protector, the Peerless neither in the Heavens, nor in the earth nor what is between them!

By Wahid Azal/NUR (circa 2007)



26th day of the month of the One (ahad), day of the Peerless (qayyum), in the 4th Year of the cycle of N.U.R. = Wednesday, April 15th, 2009 CE

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