No “Progressives” Left Behind

It is interesting that the very people who urge you to “speak truth to power” get annoyed when you actually do.

Of all of the defenses mounted by the higher education establishment to criticism that it is failing in its mission, perhaps none is so annoying to those of us on this beat as the claim that such broadsides are only based on “a bunch of anecdotes.” Last year, on one website, Accuracy in Academia posted stories on about 300 professors from nearly as many colleges and universities.

Moreover, there is precious little overlap among the horror stories catalogued by AIA and a host of other groups, including the Foundation for Individual Rights in Education (FIRE), a network of pro bono lawyers which stands ready to take their anecdotes to court.

What’s noteworthy about this overview is that these collected incidents number in the thousands on top of a base of more than four thousand institutions of higher learning. Thus, we begin to see, not a collection of anecdotal evidence but the suggested outlines of a trend.

In like fashion, One-Party Classroom by David Horowitz and Jacob Laskin features few of the pedagogues that the … >>>

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