2 days to Delara’s execution

Q: How can I help save Delara?! 

Here are some ideas but you can come up with your own and let usknow too:

  • Call, faxes and Email Iranian officials : http://scenews.blog.com/4817342/
  • Locate the Embassy or interest section of Iran in your home country and call, fax and email them
  • Send email to those on your email list, Post blogs and post bulletins at your social internet networks on Twitter, facebook, care 2, myspace, Orkut, etc. asking them to also take action.
  • Contact by phone, fax and email the media in your country and city and ask them to cover the news. (TV/Radio and Print Media -US Media can be found here)
  • Contact your country leaders & politicians, your local members of parliament and your minister of foreign affairs. (US Officials can be found here)
  • Contact International Organizations
  • Create and share your artwork , music, youtube videos, paintings, poems and writing about Delara with others on internet at schools and alike. Also send a copy to us at info@stopchildexecutions.com
  • Sign the stopchildexecutions petition at www.stopchildexecutions.com

Q. I go to high school andI want to know how my school friends can get more involved?

Q. I feel helpless , whythere are no news on the media? 

Once such human rights news comes out, it takes a day or twountil mainstream media covers it. It also very much depends on the degree ofthe public and official attention to the matter, therefore your reactions makesa difference. Yesterday Amnesty International  and Agence France-Presse (AFP)  bothreported the pending execution and some other international newsagencies and websites in Europe and Asia are also reporting it. There hasnot been much exposure in the United States Media. You can see the latestcurrent international coverage by typing DELARA DARABI in Google and clickingon the NEWS

Q. What is the latest news from Iran? 

Delara’s attorney and family along with many ordinarypeople and human rights activists, artists and celebrities are tryingto obtain the pardon of the the family of thevictim. Due to international pressure, the government ofIran has pressured Delara’s father who is desperatelytrying to save Delara, to publicly but indirectly in a letterdenounce the coverage of Delara’s situation and the SCE documentary that they participatedin 3 years ago which has been broadcasted to Iran from inthe Iranian opposition Satellite Televisions. However based on the historyof prior harrasments of Delara and her family by officials of IslamicRepublic which resulted in 2 years of silence by the family we know thatDelara’s family is under pressure from the officials in Iran to make suchdesperate remarks.  In fact the attempt of officials of Islamic republicto silence Darabi family and Delara was an attempt to try to execute Delarawith least attention in Iran and around the world and to try to shift theblame for the pending execution of  Darabi’s family’s on others. Delarahas been a symbol of the struggle to Stop Child Executions in Iran and herpicture is on the top of websites of the Stop ChildExecutions and her name on top of the SCEpetition. Meanwhile Mr. Khoramshahi Delara’s attorney is also making hislast efforts to obtain family’s pardon and also obtain an stay of the executionand a retrial to prove that Delara could not have been the cause of the allegedmurder as she was a young petite and fragile left handed sensitivegirl, a poet and a painter while her adult boyfriend who was onlysentenced to 10 years imprisonment was right handed. Hossein is due tobe released in 4 years. It is said that Hossein has contacts inthe judiciary of city of Rasht. The demands to create the re-enactment of thecrime scene has been denied for the past 6 years. Delara’s attorney AbdolsamadKhoramshahi is also the attorney for Iranian-American Journalist Roxanna Saberi who was sentenced yesterdayin a one day closed court session to 8 years imprisonment underthe accusation of spying for United States government. 

Q. What has Stop Child Executions done since the news of thepending executions came out on Thursday?

Nazanin Afshin-Jam hasdirectly contacted the United Nations Human Rights commission, Parliamentmembers and officials in Canada and other countries and other human rightsactivists. Through our network of our volunteers we have distributed the newsand action calls to our large internet networks (see below). We have notifiedsome major news agency and human rights organizations and activists worldwide.Nazanin has just landed in Geneva for international summit on racism which isscheduled to speak and is attended by many politicians and 25 internationalhuman rights organizations. (http://www.genevasummit.org/

Q. Are there anydemonstrations planned? 

Demonstrations requireprior authorizations from local authorities and considering thatwe practically had 3 days since the news, 2 days of it being weekend,nothing could be arranged. However Amnesty International was able toschedule a demonstration in front of the Iranian Embassy in London at9:00 am Monday morning. Although this may be after the scheduled execution timebut sometimes executions are delayed and also Iranian officials are alreadyaware of such demonstration. If you are in London Area please try to attend:http://scenews.blog.com/4823719/ 

For latest updateson Delara visit: http://SCENEWS.BLOG.COM  

If you have any questionsor last minute suggestions please contact us at mailto:info@stopchildexecutions.com   

Other areas and SCEnetworks are at:

SCE Delara Darabi siteSCE blog iranian.comSCE care2.com siteSCE myspace siteSCE PetitionSCE supporters Facebook.comSCE supporters Gather.comSCE supporters Orkut.comSCE websiteSCE Wikipedia PageSCE YouTube ChannelSolutions to end child execution

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