“I can read now”

She was only 5 when her 17 year old sister did not come home anymore. Everyone seemed very disturbed at home but she could not understand why. Everytime she asked about her sister, she was told that Delara was attending university. She often cried until the family decided to occasionally take her to visit her sister.

This went on for 3 years until she again insisted that she wanted to see her sister, so her mom took her to visit again. After she returned, her other sister found her crying silently in the corner of her room. 

– “Why are you crying?” asked 19 year old Ghazal.

– “I didn’t tell mom , but this time I could read the sign at the entrance of the place where Delara lives. That is not a university, it was written: Prison” said the 8 year old as tears were rolling down her face.

Ever since she has been staying very close to Ghazal who is only one year younger than Delara and studies psychology, but her little sister no longer wanted her to go to university worrying that just like Delara she may not come back home.

(a true story)

Delara will be executed in two days. Help save Delara: http://scenews.blog.com/4817342/

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