pictory: Mozzafaral-din Shah and French President visit the World Exhibit Paris (1900)

Paris Exhibit: Emile Loubet, President of France and Shah of Persia, Mozzafaral-din Shah, escorted by Republican Guards visit the “Palais des Souverains at the “Exposition Universelle” de Paris.Painting by Georges Scott for Daily “L’illustration”. (circa August 4th, 1900)

Caption in French : PARIS – EXPOSITION UNIVERSELLE Emile Loubet, président de la République française, accompagnant le chah de Perse Mozaffar al-Din au Palais des Souverains, à l’Exposition universelle de Paris. Dessin de Georges Scott. “L’Illustration”, 4 août 1900.
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pictory: Anarchist tries to Assassinate Shah of Persia during Paris visit (1900) 

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