Egypt Lashes Out At Arab ‘Axis Of Evil’

Jerusalem — Egypt has launched a major information offensive against a number of Islamic countries and movements based on information provided by captured Hezbollah operatives.  These include Iran, Hezbollah, Syria, Qatar and Hamas.

The official Egyptian government daily newspaper, al-Ahram,  devoted its main front-page headline Saturday to an unprecedented attack against the leaders of Iran, Syria, Qatar, Hezbollah, the Muslim Brotherhood movement in Egypt, Hamas, as well as the Qatari-owned Al-Jazeera television network and Hezbollah’s al-Manar television.

Al-Ahram accused those countries and organizations, which have been dubbed by Egyptian commentators as the  “Axis of Evil,” of collaboration with the “plot” to topple Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak’s regime from power by means of terror attacks inside Egypt.

The state newspaper accused Syria of trying to “rock the foundations of the regime.” It accused Hamas of giving extended assistance both to Hezbollah’s terror cells and to the network’s commander, Sami Shihab, who was smuggled into Egypt from Gaza. Qatar was condemned for inviting Iran, a non-Arab and non-member state, to the Arab League’s meeting.

Al-Jazeera was attacked for “incitement” and “providing hostile propaganda services to all the countries and bodies that were involved in the attempt to bring about the collapse of the Egyptian regime’s stability.”<... >>>

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