Obituary: Nosratollah Amini (1915-2009)

“A man can be destroyed but not defeated” – Ernest Hemingway, Old Man and the Sea 

Nosratollah Amini, the Loyal friend and lawyer of Dr. Mohamed Mossadegh has just passed away at the envied age of 94. My condolences to his daughter Fariba Amini (also a feature writer on the and her family. May they have the stength the overcome their grief.




Ey Iran by Darya Dadvar

Sarzamineh Man by Darya Dadvar

Recommended Readings:

Twenty Years Later: Conversations with my Father by Fariba Amini

Letters from Ahmadabad :Mossadegh’s letters to his trusted friend and lawyer by Fariba Amini

Don’t Call me Sir: Mossadegh: Humility and integrity in government By Fariba Amini


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