Call it letter H or Aitch
Means same, life is a bitch
Neither Czar nor Czarevitch
Quality of life gone to a ditch
Dark supernatural eldritch
Gives foul odour like a fitch
What lies for human glitch
Why is there always a hitch
It is a lifelong ongoing itch
There is nothing fair or just
Odds and evens in a knitch
From London to Lubavitch
From Maggie to mad Mitch
Trying to find their niche
Vainly try to overstretch
But sadly finding no pitch
This is a vice, evil, quitch
Be they poor or mega rich
Rumour-mongers act as snitch
Their tongues on a wild twitch
Who can set it right, unhitch
Climbing slowly like a vetch
Not knowing where or which
There is an entry but no exit
Life sails on miserable yatch
Humans being stewed, zoutch