Persian Gulf Day Pirooz

Today, 10 Ordibehesht 1388, or April 30, 2009 is a National Day recognizing the Persian Gulf name.
On April 29, 2009, the First Persian Gulf Summit was held in Tehran where many speakers presented historical facts and defended this historical name.  The officials indicated that the Islamic Solidarity Sports Federation games scheduled for October is not canceled and those who object to the name of Persian Gulf may choose not to participate.
It is our feeling that going against the historic name of Persian Gulf will hurt Arab and non-Arab countries in the long-term.  Iran has been the champion of Arab countries; it is not beneficial to these countries to antagonize Iran and Iranians.
On behalf of our members and the Board, we are thanking Dr. Mojtahed-Zadeh for participating in this event and speaking at Baharestan 2 program.  Furthermore, we thank him for mentioning our group in his speech.
Although our members chose 9 of Azar as Persian Gulf Day (see here), we accept 10 of Ordibehesht as Persian Gulf Day and join others in celebrating this historic name.

As Dr. Mojtahed-Zadeh mentioned in Baharestan program: ta to hasti, ta man hastam, Iran ast.

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