Self-portrait by Delara Darabi with scales of justice in her eye
I’ve posted this special blog here for those who wish to engage in polemics of any sort about Delara Darabi, be it debates about her innocence or guilt; whether she should be grieved and/or to what extent that grief should be; arguments to quanitfy her relative significance in comparison to other imprisoned, executed or murdered indiviudals or groups within and without Iran, including Palestinians; critiques, informed or not, of the SCE organization and so forth; in short any and all polemics related to Delara.
I do this so that her Iranian of the Dat thread and all other blogs about her be reserved as places for mourning, musing, reflecting and expressing feelings, hope, despair, confusion, frustration, anger at her death, and most of all unity…
Should this thread catch on, I shall visit from time to time to express my own feelings, as an outsider in some sense on this website, in as supportive a way as possible. Not my thoughts though. I have none in particular today.