MAY DAY, may day

On international labor day, May 1st 2009 in Tehran Iran, tens of workers, activists and labor leaders were arrested and taken away in vans by the security forces of the Islamic Regime.  Early morning that Day Iranian female juvenile Delara Darabi was executed in the the prison yard of Rasht with no prior notice, last words or without her parents, sisters or lawyer being present:
Not even shaking head
just lack of words
speechless does not explain it
and is beyond disgust
or even vomit!
wolves are among us
…ripping our hearts
some dressed as sheep
Licking the wounds of the battle
washing the blood of my brother off my face
and burying the blue body of my sister
in a corner
observing the deceit
of those who have come to picnic:
choosing between rare, well done
flogged or suffocated…
this is beyond reasoning:
blood that keeps them red
is ours
air that they breathe
is from our longs
to the last breathe
filling up the vans
the dungeons
and the graveyards
Let the martyrs go
in peace
not even that they may
it is years past reasoning
lines are drawn
“time is now”
and this is all the time one gets
to pause in the midst of the battle
…right to express
right to assemble
right to justice
right to peace
right to … Love
determined and strong


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