Peres: Iran trying to impose “foreign and violent ideology”

Israel’s President Shimon Peres said today that Iran is “trying to impose a foreign and violent ideology. Their agents target Americans, Europeans, Arabs, and other people.”

Hinting at Iran’s theocratic government, Peres added that:
“Historically the concern was to separate, as we know, religion from state. Today however, the challenge is to disconnect religion from terror. In the name of God there should be no wars, no dead, no victims, no bloodshed. This is our God. This is our Lord. This is our stand. This is our position,”

“Let me be clear. The fanatic rulers of Iran are on the wrong side
of history. Actually they are out of history, they are against

“We have respect for the Iranian people and its tradition.
Historically Iran sought to enrich mankind. Today, alas, Iran’s rulers
want to enrich uranium.”

“What for? In addition to their nuclear option, they invest huge
capital in long-range missiles. Iran is not threatened by anybody …
Iran funds and arms Hezbollah in Lebanon, and Hamas in Gaza, to spread
divisions in Lebanon and among the Palestinians.”

Gates to reassure Arab allies on Iran outr… >>>

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