Free Speech Is Uniquely America

I’ve been touring the country with my friends and fellow radio hosts (and Townhall contributors) Michael Medved, Hugh Hewitt, Dennis Prager and Bill Bennett. The subject of the tour is, “Obama: The First 100 Days”, a townhall-style forum where three of us on a given night analyze, debate, and critique the first few months of this remarkable time in our nation’s story.

For a guy who makes a living sitting in an empty glass studio talking into a microphone and staring at a bunch of blinking telephone lights, this is simply heaven.

Getting to shake hands, pose for pictures, sign books, and interact with people who listen to our radio shows is a blast. Sure, there’s the ego boost of nice people saying nice things about our work. But more importantly, we are learning what truly matters to Americans in cities as diverse as Dallas and San Antonio, Los Angeles and Cleveland (and nine other cites as well — we’re all grateful for our new frequent flier miles these days).

The sheer genius of talk radio and is that the environment is so interactive. Listener and reader input is every bit as important as anything any of us can say. We’d be like crazy people chattering in the middle of that empty field that Joe Biden thinks we should stand in to be safe from swine flu if it weren’t for the calls, the letters, the blogs, and the reaction from our audience.


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