‘Honor killing’ claims life of singing star

Another name and photograph has been added to an online gallery that honors victims of Islamic “honor killings:” popular Pakistani poet and singer Ayman Udas.

Blogger Pamela Geller at Atlas Shrugs has assembled the gallery to highlight the travesty of women killed by their Islamic relatives for the “honor” of the family.

According to a new report from Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty, Udas was a female vocalist in Peshawar, Pakistan, in the nation’s Northwest Frontier Province, who was shot to death.

The report said musicians and dancers in the region now are terrified because of the death, which came allegedly as a result of the increasing Taliban influence in the region.

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Some officials said her death was the result of the actions of Islamic militants, but the Radio Liberty report said her husband told reporters his wife was killed – allegedly by her brothers – for breaking family tradition.


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