I work for a governmental agency and I am a member of the Special Observance committee which celebrates existence of different sections of society or remembers different events as part of Civil Rights, Equal Employment Opportunity commission.
Month of May is Holocaust observance which has been remembered this month. Yesterday, we had a speaker for this event, Ilse Altman, an eighty four year old German who escaped Germany as a teen and lost her family in the Holocaust land told us her story of those terrible days.
I was sitting in front row and listening to this elderly woman and her remembrance of the events in the small town where her family lived. She said how in school the children called her “dirty Jew”, how they destroyed the small Jewish library, burned Jewish books, breaking windows of Jewish’s houses, she was not accepted by any doctor when she was sick because she was Jew and…
It resonated in me the plight of Iranian Baha’i in IRAN in past one hundred fifty years and particularly in the past 30 years. As Elie Wiesel said: “there may be times when we are powerless to prevent injustice, but there must never be a time when we fail to protest”.
I am requesting to organize a monthly or quarterly protest on a regular basis in front of United Nation to voice the plight of Iranian Bahais in IRAN.