To participate in the 2009 Mock Presidential Election: Click Here
About this Mock election:
This unofficial electronic election is being conducted to illustrate the differences between the Iranian electoral process, and a free election, similar to what is typically held in other countries.
This Mock election is being conducted online, and will end after the real election in Iran is over, and the results will be compared, mostly for fun. Mostly. Also this is a good way to demonstrate how an alternate ballot for the Iranian election could appear. It does not have a registration process. So anyone can vote. Although the survey software attempts to prevent it, it is actually possible to vote twice. In that aspect, it si similar to the official election. The result of this Mock election is entirely unofficial. However your opinion at the conclusion, should be completely and utterly valid.
To participate in the 2009 Mock Presidential Election: Click Here
Candidate Selection:
In Iran: The Guardian Council over seen and if necessary over-ridden by the Supreme Leader, select those candidates they feel best exemplify and support the ideals and principles of the Islamic Republic. Candidates are selected from a list of individuals who wish to run for the office of President of Iran, and who have submitted their names via a lower level qualification and application process. This application process requires the signature and endorsement of the applicant’s regional or local Mollah.
Elsewhere: Individuals or Political parties with distinct alternative theories on governance, put forth candidates they feel are intellectually, socially, and morally the best qualified, and likely to convince the voters, they are more suitable to represent the people and lead, than the other candidates. There is no oversight, or endorsement process. Anyone can fill out the application. Anyone can run for election.
To participate in the 2009 Mock Presidential Election: Click Here
In Iran: The Revolutionary Guard soldiers guard the booths. You must provide identification to government officials at the voting booth before you can receive your ballot. After your ballot is cast, your identification is stamped by a government official.
Elsewhere: There is no guard. You must be registered to vote to prevent voting twice. You do not need to show any identification. In the US, after your ballot is cast, you get a sticker that says “I Voted!”
To participate in the 2009 Mock Presidential Election: Click Here
Counting votes:
In Iran: There is no public information on how the process of counting and certifying the tally of votes is conducted.
Elsewhere: The election is conducted in precincts by citizens who are certified by other certified citizens. Anyone who works in government is not allowed to participate in counting, or conducting the election. After the precincts are closed all the ballot boxes are gathered, certified, signed, and sealed by all the volunteers. The ballot box seals are tamper proof. The votes are transported to designated pickup locations, by 2 or more designated volunteers who sign for the sealed boxes. The pick up locations collect all the ballots, verify the seals are sound, and sign for them, releasing the precinct volunteers who brought them. The ballots are transported to district counting offices and signed out to a large work area, where they are opened and counted, with strict supervision, observation and certification by more citizen volunteers. At no time is a government employee allowed to enter the counting area. Once the ballots are counted, the volunteers certify the count and post the results to the local county, state, and eventually the entire count of the votes in the election is reported. By citizens.
To participate in the 2009 Mock Presidential Election: Click Here