Any MEN marry Non-Iranian woman????

i had an interesting talk with some old people regarding marriage at an Iranian Bookstore here at Westwood(los angeles).  I always value the opinion of my elders and listen to their experience. So my blog isn’t here to argue with those older than me or anything. I just like to hear life-experiences regarding Marriage. Anyhow in my conversation at the Bookstore I was told an increasing number of Iranian Men who are in their 30’s,40’s and 50’s are marrying non-iranian woman; specifically Latinas.(Colombian/Venezuela) In short because they are just as beautiful and exotic but with NONE OF THE ARROGANCE or VANITY or GOLD-DIGGING attitude and i can go on and on and on. Anyhow this blog or post is intended to broaden my perspective on this matter. I like to get a wide range of input from as many people as possible.

Basically, i would like to know if Men here on this website know someone who has married a Non-Iranian Woman or they themselves have a Non-Iranian wife. And i like to know how the Marriage worked out ??? Was it a happy marriage ?? an ok marriage ?? did the marriage not work out ??

 -thank you so much for your time!!!


**lastly to those Men who are in my age-group reading this if it makes you happy to insult me and cheer on iranian woman thinking it will get you somewhere….like a date.  feel free. i’m not going to return the gesture.—-peace

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