I got an e-mail from google,that said they wanted me on their TV show!!!
Here is the e-mail:
> We want you on our TV Show!!
> … and before an ongoing audience of over **75 million viewers!!**
> ——–
> Very soon we are going to film a Special Infomercial that will be
> seen on both Daytime & Evening Television, as well as
> Internationally and in 14 different major languages, and in 57
> major countries around the World!!
> The Infomercial will offer our record-breaking flagship digital
> product “Get Google Ads FREE!” available of course at ClickBank.
> =>> And we would like YOU, Robert, to star in it!
> I’m not kidding either.
> And here is what all you get!!…
> (1)
> —>You get a FREE Trip on us!!—>
> We will fly you to Los Angeles at our expense, put you up with your
> family (or up to 3 of your friends) in an exclusive 5-star $1,500 a
> night luxury hotel — all completely paid for by us!!
> ———————————->
> (2)
> —->Enjoy $5,000 FREE on us!!—->
> You will be given a spending allowance of $5,000 to spend while
> visiting the Los Angeles, Hollywood and Beverly Hills/Rodeo Drive
> Areas.
> You can spend this money on ANYTHING you want!!
> >———————————>
> The ONLY thing you need to do to get on this TV Program is:
> 1. Get your own copy of “Get Google Ads FREE!” (assuming if you
> haven’t already)
> 2. Apply its “Secret” to getting $1 million’s in FREE
> pay-per-clicks at Google and other search engines
> 3. You don’t actually have to push it that far, but just as long
> as you’re getting at least a good amount (between $2,000 &
> $5,000 a month) in PPCs FREE, that’s fine!
> 4. Do this for several months
> 5. Then just email us and tell us your results (and send PROOF!)
> 6. Get your email in to us no later than 5 months from now!!
> We’ll then look at what you’ve done, and take your and other
> people’s submissions, and then get back to you ASAP!!
> —–You’re a WINNER either way!!—–>
> Even if we don’t pick you, you still can get any one of several
> PRIZES including (but not limited to):
> o a FREE $7,500 61-inch Plasma TV
> o a complete TiVo Entertainment System
> –> Check it out at: http://www.tivo.com/whatistivo/index.html
> o $10,000 in free furniture for your home!
> o $1,000 FREE Gift-Certificate
> o $500 FREE Gift-Certificate
> o $250 FREE Gift-Certificate
> ————————————–>
> ===========================================================
> —-And here’s what you get if you get on our TV Show!!—>
> ===========================================================
> But if we DO pick you to be on our TV Show, in addition to becoming
> famous on TV overnight, you’ll also get:
> o a brand new $50,000 Corvette — like the one shown here:
> –> http://www.chevrolet.com/corvette/?seo=goo_corvett…
> o $15,000 CASH!! — Paid directly from OUR Bank to Yours!!
> o $5,000 towards your son’s or daughter’s education!!
> o Plus the same Plasma TV just like the one described above!
> o the same exact TiVo System described above!
> o Not just 1, but 4 FREE $1,000 Gift Certificates!!!
> o Plus much, much more!!…
> ALL THIS just for doing well, and being on our TV Show!!