My teaching philosophy is to prepare my students to be successful in their lives.
I will try to train them that they should be active in the class and discuss about the materials, about their plans and goals and the way they are thinking.
I will guide them as far as possible with my experiences and I will be concern with their problems and difficulties. I am interested very much in my students’ lives and their futures. I will help them to have a better choice and prevent them to do the same mistake for example that I did. If I feel that my experience is useful for them; I will share it with them.
As I was teacher in different countries and had different students from other cultures, religions and nationalities so I am open to different cultures and thinking.
I will try to remove their difficulties as far as I can. I will use audio visual methods and will select different movies related to their subjects. I will also select different materials which can help them to understand the lesson. I will focus on the student’s needs and interest. I will combine these need and interest with the lesson which I am trying to teach.
If I am their foreign language teacher, I will practice the grammar with them and will open it to detail and practice with them so far that they can use it. I will also discuss the each subject with them so that they can have mastery concerning that subject and can use their knowledge actively.
I will explain so many times and with a lot of example that the subject will be very clear for them and not an abstract materials.
I will prepare them project that they can work individually or in pairs, and they can create and participate in the lesson materials. I will give them extra work to do more work and get a better score. I will also give my students extra credits, if they do extra work activities.
I will ask them to research and read other books and materials to have a wide scope of the knowledge and not to be narrow minded.
I will make it clear for my students that the knowledge is very important and is the key of a good life. The student should know the power of knowledge and the value of time. They should know that as young people and children they have a power to learn. The children learn better and faster and in a perfect form and I will make this very clear to them.
I will explain for them that their brain is new and powerful and they can keep the information much easier in their mind as older people. It is a fact that the children and young people learn better and faster than older people so they should not waste their time and should use their time to learn.
Many students do not know the value of time and they do not know that the young people can learn very fast, so I will always explain this point for them.
Some students think the time is slow and they stay always young and in the same position. They think they will have always the possibilities to learn. They do not know that everything can change and they may have in very close future not the same possibilities to learn and going to schools.
My philosophy is to train the student to understand the value of their time and use their brain to learn.