Before I start explaining things, I would just like to say that this thread is for the people (anyone) who wonders about how your culture and a strong indentity can help you in REAL life.
Okay, alot of people on this forum have been asking me how does a strong culture benefit you? My answer is that, Culture equals someones value, class, and knowledge in todays world… When you have these things, you start to create a identity and the more you go forward and progress in learning about your culture/history, the stronger your identity becomes…. But you need to keep your identity alive amongst yourself.
Being a self-hating idiot (You know who you are -_-) will not help you in real life, infact, it will make you look like a weak pathetic loser. Now having an identity will infact help you emmensly…. like it will push you to do or achieve things that you never thought you could.
Your culture and identity can also help you avoid the crappy/negative influence in todays world (especially if you live in America)… I mean if you look around, you’ll see how simple minded and dilusional the Average American is about the modern world, I truely pity these people…This is all because of lack of culture and identity in America (this doesnt go towards all Americans, but diff most of them are like this)… they are a bastardized people, excuse my french 😛
Btw, because of the knowledge that you adapted from your culture and history, you will be able to adapt the positive influences of the cultures that you’re surrounded by.
keep in mind, you will only benefit from your culture and identity if you truly follow them.
If you remain simple-minded and ignorant all your life then there will be consequences.
Zende bad Iran, zende bad Irania ba farhango hoviate Irani.