Why are you ASHAMED of being Iranian ???

You know who you people are. I see u when you don’t see yourself in public.”Excuse me Maam, what is the name of RSVP ?? Ohh my name is Nancy. That is my name. The RSVP is under Nancy”  —When your real name is Niloofar.  


I’m at Starbucks and see the cashier tries to get a social lead in with the Iranian girl infront of me.

 “ hey are you Greek ??

no I am Persiaaaaaaan. “

oh really? Where is that ?

“ eehhmm, umm, is Iran” 

 “oh so your Iranian “ 

“ ummm, yes. But ethnically we are Perzziaaaan. ok bye I wait for coffee-order to be called. Thank u sir”


Why are u people so ashamed of being IRANIAN !!!??? I never understood this. I was born/raised in California and I AM proud to be Iranian. Maybe this has to do with my childhood because I grew up in suburbs of Northern Los Angeles where there were NO Iranians; everyone was white or maybe at most a few Asians. And since I had an Iranian name and didn’t have blonde hair and blue eyes. Everyone, mostly the white kids, picked on me. The usual prejudice. “Sand-nigger. Terrorist. Camel-Jockey. Etc etc” Even the teachers got involved in attacking me and insulting me in-front of my peers.; these  were Desert Storm days. So since I never had a chance to be accepted by America or had a chance to embrace my American identity. I was forced to accept my other identity…. Mainly Iranian. And looking back yaah it was really hard to have that type of childhood all through highschool, but looking back it made me stronger. And cemented my allegiance to Iran.


I don’t care who is ruling the country. I am for my Nation and it’s People. The Monarchy, the Priesthood-Clergy Ayatullah, or Secular Democratic Govt. None of that matters to me. Any foreign country attacks my people and rain bombs on my women/children and I happily leave the comfort of my life here and join the Iranian Army.


That’s the difference between you and me. You people in Canada/U.S. are “Iranian” when you feel it’s *convenient* to be Iranian. When it’s not convenient to be Iranian you switch costumes ,– bleach your hair, say your Nancy, and say “no no. I am not Iranian. I am Persizzaaaan.”


Your two face personas make me sick. You people make fun of the Mexicans for being “beasts of burden” with no education but they have more pride in their Heritage. How many Mexicans you know whose name is Alejandro and goes by the name of Frank ??? You know how many Farshids I know who go by that name ???  Cinco de Mayo celebrations u find some Mexicans in the crowd wear their traditional cultural clothes. When it’s Now’rooz how many Iranians are wearing their cultural traditional clothes ??? And no a tank-top and pink shorts don’t count.


I am who I am and NOTHING will ever change that. Cut my body to pieces but bury my heart in Iran …. That’s all I have to say you coward americanized “iranians”.

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