Open Letter from Urumiyeh University to a Presidential Candidate

  • Open Letter from Urumiyeh University to a Presidential Candidate
  • June 8th, 2009
  • Editor’s Note:  Below is a letter from a group of Urumiyeh University students to the Iranian Presidential candidate, Mr. Mir-Hossein Mousavi. This letter is being published solely because of its relevance to the Baha’i community of Iran and historical interest.  Iran Press Watch takes no position whatsoever with respect to the upcoming election of the tenth government of the Islamic Republic of Iran, or wishes to comment in anyway about Iran’s internal partisan politics.

    Dated May 27, 2009

    In the name of God

    To Mr. Mir-Hossein Mousavi with respect:

    We were very pleased that you graciously accepted our invitation and attended the gathering at our university. We all know that our beloved country is currently facing many problems and crises. You are a candidate who has commitment himself to sustaining and protecting this land, and have wholeheartedly accepted all hardships and sufferings in this path. It is our hope that you will succeed in accomplishing this meritorious task.

    Our dialog with you is not with respect to specialized political matters. Our discussion concerns issues that you brought up a few weeks ago when you announced your stand with respect to human rights and the civil rights of th… >>>

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