Green, Brown, Pink or Red revolution they are all the same MULLAH REPUBLIC

I was 24 when Khatami became president. I remembered the talks of second wave of revolution is coming. People were so excited that they had forgotten Khatami is a Mullah. The streets were filled with young, vibrant, hopeful men and women. The students at every major university called Khatami the wind of change. 

The streets of Tehran were full of flowers; at every wall around the corners you could read messages of hope and signs of change. The Iranians living abroad were so optimistic that democracy has come to Iran.They all thought Khatami will change the status quo and free everyone from this oppressive regime. 

In 1999 students from all major universities took on streets to steer a campaign of more freedom of expression and move towards democracy. They were so optimistic that Khatami, the one who promised the wind of change will support them in their movement.

The regime felt the threat and understood the circumstances they sent 100 thousands of Basijis to all the major universities and areas were students were gathering and protesting and beat the hell out of the students. University dormitories were attacked and their rooms were smashed.  Thousands were arrested and sentenced to long jail terms where they were tortured and humiliated. Some students and academic professors as well as intellectuals were kicked out of university or sent to remote part of the country. 

So what does that mean currently what is the relevance you may ask. The fact a matter is we are been fooled once again. We Iranian are very much like Americans have a bad memory and tend to not understand and evaluate historical events.

 I can’t accept another Khatami like who will fool and deceive the population. Actually if you think about it Ahmadinejad actions ha smobilized the population. If Ahmadinejad stays in power people will understand repercussions of his actions and perhaps will ask for the change in the status quo and challenge the authorities.

Ahmadinejad actions and rhetoric’s has given a voice to the reform in Iran by exposing the true face of these criminals around the world. It would have just been a matter of few years that the Iranian people would have had been fedup with his messages and action and the same people who brought him to power would have had toppled him.

 The last few debated have been so interesting. For the first time in 30 years of their existence an open debate was carried out. Didn’t you see the resentment and hear accusation? They called each other incompetent, thus, dictators, corrupt and they openly questioned the same revolution they believed in and that was only a few hours of debate.

They are actually at the verge of collapse it is just amatter of time that they will topple themselves. There is so much discontent among the higher rank and lower rank clerics as well as those who think that they are not getting any of the wealth. 

It came so threatening that the leader of thugs and thieves Mr. Rafsanjani was offended by the remarks and asked the fuehrer Khamenei to intervene and shut Mahmud up because he was telling the truth. 

Mahmud Ahmadinejad exposed the true face of the regime andquestioned the very system that he is part of it. He talked about subjects thatwas a taboo for 30 years calling Rafsanjani and his gang corrupt and thief. 

Now the question is does this election with the selection of Mousavi as president change Iran.My answer is a big NO. However; I am very confident if Mahmud is elected Iran will change. Because the people will then realize they need an overhaul change and that change must come from the top. 

In 2003 the Bush administration had a great chance to change Iran’s status quo. The Mullahs shit in their pants after seeing the shock and awe in their neighboring country. That prompted Mr. Khatami to write a discrete letter to Bush administration and asking them for talk. That is when they truly realized that they are next. USA had the upper hand and the leverage to change Iran and they missed that opportunity

 At this point the change must come by the people and the overall system must change. We can’t fool our self that those elements who parepart of the equation that represents problems will bring that change for us. Thisis a great time that the people as for a better and improved life as the wholeworld is watching. I truly wished they would have had taken the energy, the passion and the hope that they currently have to the next level and asked for REAL CHANGE.

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