Vote, it’s your duty, and it’s fun!!

On the even of Iran’s most entertaining election so far, the singular cry seems to be to vote. This year’s color is Green apparently. I think the particular shade is called “Seyedi Green”. And you are supposed to be happy, and hopeful. You must even acknowledge that this election can and will change everything.

To participate in the 2009 Mock Presidential Election: Click Here

You must also acknowledge this as a prime example of how democratic and free Iran actually is. If you live in the West you’re supposed to see this as obvious and get on board the train to change!  

YouTube is filled with slick campaign ads edited skillfully by the most MTV savvy Moussavi supporters, who gracefully straddle that ever thinning fine line of modesty and outright sexiness that the gorgeous Iranian hejab-wearing women actors can get away with.

At least while they can get away with it. There appears to be a definitely noticeable lack of enforcement by the Basijis, during this campaign season. No one wants to be the cause of a riot. Just yet.

Although I have not seen any Tehran-made or any other YouTube videos supporting Ahmadinejad yet, I have no choice but to do the math and assume that his followers, I mean supporters, no doubt strong outside of cosmopolitan Tehran, are an unmeasurable force that we will all soon realize, after tomorrow’s election.

To participate in the 2009 Mock Presidential Election: Click Here

But the entertainment value has certainly been there. Almost too good to be true, the outright arguments, accusations and bald faced lies the candidates told during their live TV debates, are history making to say the least.

You must admit, that even during the Shah none of this kind of public political debate was ever allowed. Although I have not seen anyone say anything bad about Khamenei yet. Which right there, makes any positive gain of freedom I might have alluded to in the previous sentence, utterly exact to what it was like under the Shah.

For example, none of the candidates, has called Khamenei, a hijacker of the revolution. Which one could arguably (and convincingly) say happened, just with the briefest analysis of article 107 of the modified 1989 Constitution of Iran.

Another example, would be that although Ahmadinejad was quick to accuse Moussavi’s wife of being unqualified for her professorship position in University, no one for example, has bothered to question Khamenei’s religious credentials and overall qualifications to even be the Supreme Leader as spelled out in article 109 and 5 of the Constitution which was hijacked in 1989.

So, while the circus is happening all around us, one can only be so optimistic for outright measurable change in Iran, as a result of a Mahmoud, or a Mir-Hossein winning what is largely nothing more than a popularity contest in Iran. Remember Ali Daie could win this with one hand, while the other was slapping Ali Karimi’s face, if he wanted to.

To participate in the 2009 Mock Presidential Election: Click Here

So, at the end of the day tomorrow, or likely by the following Friday after the most likely runoff election, we will know who the next winner will be. I’m buying stock in Ambien, Prozac, and Valium to capitalize on the likely high demand if Ahamdinejad fulfills the statistical probability of incumbents winning their second terms easily.

In some ways it feels just like an American Idol show, it has come down to the 2 best singers, none of whom are really that good, and the panel is like the Guardian Council, Khamenei the Supreme Simon. And it looks like they too know, who will win.

And as Chapter 9, Section 1 of the hijacked 1989 Constitution defines the extremely limited power and scope of the Iranian President ever so crystal-clearly, maybe this event should really be called “Iranian Idle”.

To participate in the 2009 Mock Presidential Election: Click Here 

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