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To Iranians and the people of the world
We are at a critical juncture in the history and the future of Iran and for that reason it has become the responsibility of all Iranians and the people of the world to side with the ancient nation of Iran and to utilize all means at our disposal to speak against the Coup d’état that has taken place in Iran.
This is the time for all of us who live in different countries of the world to show solidarity with the people of Iran whose legitimate right to choose their destiny has been grossly compromised and instead are violently being beaten, arrested, imprisoned, tortured and killed.
Please immediately contact the government representatives of your country and the United Nations and ask that they not recognize the unelected government of Mahmoud Ahmadinejad as the legitimate representative of the Iranian people. Also remind them the Supreme Leader of The Islamic Republic of Iran, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei who also in opposition to the will of Iranian nation has officially supported the falsified results of the stolen election and presidency of Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, likewise has no legitimacy as the leader of people of Iran who have spoken in millions of voices against the current government.
It is very important to include in your letters or other communications to the United Nations and your government representatives, a request that they urge the current regime in Iran to allow the peaceful expression and assembly without threat of arrest and beatings and to demand that they respect human rights. This includes observing the right and freedom of Iranians including the candidates and their supporters to have open communications in person, print, telephone, mobile, texts and internet.
In solidarity with the wills of the Iranian nation, it is also important to continue to hold peaceful and authorized demonstrations in front of the United Nations and the embassies and consulates of the Islamic Republic demand that they too officially announce that they no longer recognize Ahmadinejad and Khamenei as the legal representatives of Iran. You may also speak at various public forums such as universities, schools, churches, synagogues, or mosques where you can inform others of the need for their support of the people of Iran.
Alone we can do little, together we can help make a difference.