Something Very Important About the News Feeds

Ever since the site had major problems two days ago my news feeds (and presumably yours too) no longer display the name of the author if the feeder has chosen to include it. (It is optional).

If you click on the feed to open it, you will find the author’s name, but not before then. So there is no way of knowing who wrote the feeds just by looking at them.

Obviously this has very serious consequences at this time when the news section is foremost and all the major correspondants and commentators are focussing on Iran.

In my case  I had a feed by Christopher  Hitchens a couple of days ago and his name was not displayed. That was a drag.

Last night I had a long video interview with Pepe Escovar, one of the greatest living journalists, with by leaps and bounds the most important analysis I have seen. (in English, of course).

That was a tragedy.

Until this problem has been fixed, I strongly urge you  include the author’s name in your supertitle when it is important.


Please watch the Escovar video:

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