
My Name Is Iran

The Islamic Republic has lost legitimacy. It is fissured. It will not be the same again. It has always played on the ambiguity of its

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از ورای دود

برای اولین بار بین دزدانی که رأی ملت را بین خود تقسیم کرده اند اختلاف افتاده و آنهایی که به سهمشان راضی نیستند صدا را

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A matter of timing

It is too early now to publicly attack Messrs Khatami and Mousavi, two appalling political fraudsters hoisted on to the placards of masses who for

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A Letter from Iran

Dear friends, For the past week or more there have been so many activities and happenings related to the elections here in Iran but I

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The V sign

Wednesday’s demonstration took place in the afternoon, 5-8PM. It went from 7-Tir Square to Vali Asr Square. The entire length of the street was packed

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My first entry

 With all the people in Iran in thought and spirit. People rule. Keep fighting and never stop.

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Root Problem in Iran?

“A lie told often enough becomes truth”    “We need the real, nation-wide terror which reinvigorates the country and through which the Great French Revolution

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Optimism and Nightmares

The 12th of June 2009 saw Iran’s tenth presidential election get underway with Iranians turning out in record numbers. As someone who decided to vote

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Please watch this clip

GO Please watch this clip: After watching this clip it made me claerly realize what f***k up you guys are. You people in CA realy

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