Let me look at it closer

 Iranian youth get killed in streets of Tehran , many Iranian risk their Job their life and their family

and then after all Reza Pahlavi will go to IRAN and lead them??!!!!

what is wrong with this equation???

What is Reza Pahlavi’s qualification, how many important department he has run,has he ever been incharge of something that gets result (either Military or industrial,or commercial) ??

beside his own personal office which was created with Iranian people’s money and his so called works has not made any difference in any Iranian life inside and abroad.. !!!!

Never spend a day in classroom at any higher education institute..(beside some corresponded degree fro USC means never sit in a classroom) some said : (his assistant) done all  school’s work!!!

any one could fill up your assignment and send it to USC…

Never been in any Iranian neighbor country to lead or do any political activities!!!

So far from reality , never been intouch or spend days  with ordianry Iranian,

Has lived the best kind of life that money can buy far from Iran  ,

Never worked a day of his life, …..

So don’t you think it is an insult to all Iranian whom are already risking their life

or get shot in street of Tehran , to tell them ,among all of those millions, there is not one intellect to run

the country ,but Reza Pahlavi whom will be IMPORTED to Tehran as soon as roads are cleard!!????

I am not pro or anti anybody , but I have lots of repect for my people intellect ,I think they can pick up their own leader

 MOVEMENTs WILL CREATE  LEADERS ,but it is not the other way around…

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