Ist Obama “Ein Tehraner”?

While the, once prudent, EU leaders like Brown, Sarkozy, and Merkel now openly crticise IRI brutalities against Iranian civil demonstrators, Obama remains reluctant. on Iran’s disputed election, Obama said in his last interview in CNBC “not productive, given the history of U.S.-Iranian relations, to be seen as meddling.” This seems an outdated excuse, especially for the Iranian youth who are challenging the Ahamadinejad’s re-election as a result of a “coup” plotted by the IRI. Mr. Obama can be rightfully  sorry for the 1953 coup, but his sorriness does not justify his reluctance toward another coup, namely the IRI 2009 coup. Obama’s position on IRI’s post-election brutalities seems an option which is not followed by many human rights activists, US politicians, and even some of his fellow Democrats, including his cabinet members like Clinton and Binden.

How about the values of human rights, what was an apparent tradition, if not a lip service, of his fellow Democrats, Kennedy, Carter, and Al Gore? 

A 48-year-old President Kennedy’s sentence “Ich bin ein Berliner” is known by any school kid in Germany. It has been repetitively mentioned during President Obama’s two visits of Germany both before and after his election.

Millions of Tehrani demonstrators who now brace for recognition of their fair struggles would ask themselves if Obama finally speaks up saying “Ich bin ein Tehraner”?

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