Iranians. Come to your senses. Get off the streets and tend to your lives and thank the almighty for what you got. Only God has
Iranians. Come to your senses. Get off the streets and tend to your lives and thank the almighty for what you got. Only God has
Her name was Neda. Neda means VOICE in Persian. Beautiful Neda was killed by order of murderer Khamenei and his regime. Millions of Iranians will not allow Neda’s voice
There isn’t reliable statistics, or not any that I have come across, on the number of Iranians living in Britain. But the 2001 census has
I am in Louisiana (United States) and have been following developments in Iran closely. The change occurring by the minute before our eyes is amazing,
Read content of this jerks blog (in farsi) and see how he is threatening those who don’t agree with him and his so called rahbar
The claim is made that Ahmadinejad stole the election, because the outcome was declared too soon after the polls closed for all the votes to
Mousavi and Ayatollah Montazeri are putting their besieged country at risk. Possibly they believe that ridding Iran of Ahmadeinjad’s extreme image would gain Iran breathing
پنج تن از اعضای خانواده حجت الاسلام والمسلمین اکبر هاشمی رفسنجانی که در بین آنها فائزه هاشمی نیز به چشم میخورد، شب گذشته توسط ماموران
The bombing of Khomeini’s tomb is bad. They will blame it on the protesters. But we all feel this is their own work. The protesters
Let not the divisive tactics of the past 30 years prevent us from uniting against this foreign regime in Iran. They are using their Arab
نیروهای استبداد اموی امروز تظاهرات مسالمت آمیز مردم ایران برای انتخابات آزاد و جمهوریت را به خون کشیدند تا ولی فقیه را به خیال خام
But whatever the nature of the new government in Tehran, a continuing policy of coercion and sanctions looks likely only to harden resistance and increase
Limited to information on Iran from English-speaking opponents of the regime, both groups of Iran experts got a very misleading vision of where the revolution
پس از کش و قوسهای معمول حضرات تجاوزگران جنسی اسلامیست و تهدید نه چندان سرپوشیده از سوی وزیر امور خارجۀ آلمان، نظام پر
twitter, Youtube, facebook etc have bent the rules to accomodate Iranians . I hope so does!!! This is my 3rd blog today!!! and it
China anticipated the backlash against Ahmadinejad’s victory. On Monday, The Global Times newspaper quoted the former Chinese ambassador to Iran, Hua Liming, that the Iranian
بدون ترديد اين پيروزى و افتخار مرهون لطف خاص پروردگار، عنايت ويژه امام زمان(عج)، رهبرى حكيمانه مقام معظم رهبرى(مدظله العالی)، حضور آگاهانه همه اقشار با
ما زنده به آنيم كه آرام نگيريم…..موجيم كه اسودگی ما عدم ماست. اگر شما توان دیدن شقاوت سربازان رهبر را ندارید. و اگر نمیخواهید بغض
Khamenei has taken a radical risk. He has factionalized himself, so losing the arbiter’s lofty garb, by aligning himself with PresidentMahmoud Ahmadinejad against both Mir Hussein Moussavi,
فوري/بيانيه شماره 5ميرحسين موسوي خطاب به مردم شريف ايران:نگذارید دروغگويان و متقلبان پرچم دفاع از نظام اسلامی را از شما بربايند ۳۰ خرداد ۱۳۸۸ ساعت
Whatever happens, the Iranian people have already shown the world what a love of freedom means. Their spirituality, tenacity, wit, and compassion have shone through
At least 19 people died after clashes erupted Saturday in Tehran as Iran’s security police used tear gas and clubs to beat back demonstrators. Unconfirmed
Foreign Embassies in Tehran accept injured people to free Crowded Hospitals >>>
ماموران رژيم در شهرهای کوچک که اهالی اعلب همديگر را می شناسند و از فعاليتهای اجتماعی سياسی و بينش ومواضع سياسی همديگر مطلعند به ترفند