In a show of solidarity with their countrymen and women, Iranians took to the streets of Washington DC on Saturday June 20th to protest the fraudulent election results in Iran and the brutal attacks on unarmed demonstrators. More than 1500 people gathered in front of the Iranian Interest Section and marched towards the White House shouting slogans in Persian and in English, among them: “Democracy Yes, Dictatorship No.” They were cheered along the way by motorists and pedestrians from all nationalities. At the end of the march, a statement was read by the organizers who included many well known activists in the Washington area. Ahmad Batebi and Ali Afshari, both ex-political prisoners under the Islamic Republic, were among the participants. The highlight of this protest march was when the White House staff came out on the balcony at which time the crowd cheered and shouted for 10 minutes: Iran, Iran, Iran.