A ‘GENERAL’ Strike – To Bring The Regime Down

For the past several days, we have seen the bravery of our Brothers and Sisters in Iran in confronting the present regime. For those of us who live outside of Iran, we are really doing the easy work. Our task is basically limited to spreading the information around, and in a way, encouraging everyone to participate in whatever capacity that they can.

As evident from the news, the authorities in Iran have systematically started cracking down on the demonstrators for the past couple of days. There have been quite a few arrests, and much physical brutality: From the University Professors, to the Labor Leaders, to the Intellectuals, and to the Demonstration Leaders have been arrested, and physically assaulted! Furthermore, there is No End In Sight.

I truly believe that the only way that this regime can be brought to its knees is through a National Strike throughout the country. If the wheels of commerce and economy are brought to a halt, then that would be the beginning of the end for them!

I would like to encourage every body to focus our efforts in that direction. A Head-On Military Confrontation would lead to a tremendous loss of life. Furthermore, the consequences of such a confrontation may not be quite evident at this time.

We Have to bear in mind one thing: The Ultimate Goal For Us Should Be The Bringing Down Of This Present Regime, And Establishing A Secular Democracy In Our Beloved Iran. Let’s Put Our Minds Together To Bring This About With A Minimal Loss Of Life!

Thank You …..

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