What we can do to help

I am sure that many of you feel the same frustration as I in term of seeing and hearing what is happening in Iran and not being able to do anything meaningful to help. Venting on sites such as this represents an outlet for all of us and hopefully does some good in terms of sharing information and carrying the message to those who would otherwise not be as involved.  But is there more that we can do?

Many Iranians based outside the country have been making a not insignificant contribution to the movement in Iran.  These include people who are getting the pictures and video clips that tell the stories of the atrocities being committed in Iran on Facebook, youtube and other sites. There are the tech-savvy amongst us who have been quite effective in terms of taking down offensive sites associated with the regime.  And there are others who have aggregating at demonstrations in front of Iranian embassies and other places to both convey our disgust of the regime and to raise international awareness of the tragedy that is Iran.

I am personally willing but struggling to figure out what it is that we can do to help.  If any of you have any ideas that you think would be interesting, please share them.  For example, are there lawyers out there among you who know of ways to make life miserable for the regime in the international courts?  Do you know of public relations experts who can be helpful in further damaging the image of the IRI in the international community?  Can we do anything to stop countries from accepting the legitimacy of the elections and to have international agencies turn away Iranian representatives?  Is there something we can do from a financial standpoint to help?  If we cannot join the demonstrations in Iran, the least we could do is open our pocketbooks.

If you have any ideas please share them and let’s see what we can do.  There comes a time in our lives where we have to stand up and be counted and I believe that time has arrived for all Iranians who love their country and are outraged at what we see happening before our eyes.

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