
Daddy dearest,
My sincere apology:
For asking for a piece of bread
For stopping your batons with my head
For beating myself till I was dead
For cutting myself into shred
For jumping from buildings without my wings spread
For intercepting your bullets with my chest
For running into your daggers with my breast
For asking for more till I became a pest
For blocking your clubs with my knee
For ruining your glory
For hanging myself by the neck, with a rope
For gouging my eyes out, without hope
For blogs
For books
For cartoons
For occupation of Quds
For not denying Holocaust
For not believing in your Imam
For not believing in your Islam
For not believing in your Prophet
For not believing in your God’s merit
For believing in global Internet
For believing in
For believing in
For music
For dance
For peace
For dreams
For holding hands

For all of that,
To you, I apologize
But daddy dearest,
You are Zahak in disguise
And for that,
To Iran, and to the world, you must apologize


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