As an Iranian that left my country more than 38 years ago, I would like to bring all of our attentions to all the positive press, comments, love, support and respect we are finally receiving from the people from all over the world. This was brought ONLY by the most brave Iranian men and women that took to the streets and demonstrated against another injustice that was brought to them by their so called “leaders”. It was paid for by every life lost and every drop of blood shed during the past few days in the streets and cities of Iran. We are finally standing out as the culture and people that we truly are, and not the few savages that have represented our nation for the past few years. We can all be Iranians, Persians…….but most of all we can all be PROUD of who we are and have been for thousands of years. Keep your heads up no matter where you are, and represent the land you are from or are rooted in. Never forget the ones that have paid with their lives and freedoms to shed this positive light on all of us.
Zendeh baad Iran, and long live the resistance of all the brave men and women in Iran!!!