Science of a Revolution

I happen to be a basic scientist in-training.

What science trainees are taught early, is to strongly avoid using the phrase “As a Matter of Fact”….Nature does NOT throw dice. There is No fact. What we normally refer to as Fact in our daily lives, is known as “Evidence” in Science. Every scientific problem-solving is initiated with generating a clear “General Question”. The current evidence surrounding this Question then lead to the generation of a general “Hypothesis”.

As a scientist, you need to test and observe and generate Evidence. This evidence may eventually either Support your initial hypothesis, or Nullify it.

My obsevation of the earlier evidence surrounding the current movement in Iran, was mostly fed from the history. The history behind the 1979 revolution and the aftermath of that movement that lead our nation to where we currently stand. My initial observation of the recent “Green Wave” movement, did Not provide me with enough evidence to support the hypothesis that “A leader with a strongly negative report card can lead the Nation to True Democracy.”…..As a result, I boycotted the Iranian Election or supporting an individual who happen to be a fomer voice of a disguied dictatorship.

These days however, what I observe have started to accumulate evidence to generate a new Question: “Is a Nation with a voice capable of changing it’s own FATE?”….

Let’s continue gathering data…Only this time, we don’t only observe, we participate!

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