Ahmadinejad’s ‘ILLEGITIMACY’ Can Not Be Pushed Under The Rug

My Iranian Brothers and Sisters: The events that have taken place in our Beloved Homeland in the past couple of weeks, are indicative of only one thing: This regime in Iran will resort to any level of brutality to suppress our Brothers and Sisters, and maintain its power.

Many of us were hoping that a General Strike would take place throughout the nation, and bring the regime to its knees. Unfortunately, that hasn’t taken place yet.

As we watch the TV, and the various videos on the Internet, it is obvious that the regime is desperate. For them to try and link the murder of Neda Agha Soltan to some foreign conspiracy, is the epitome of foolishness! This is not that different from the ridiculuous results of the elections a couple of weeks ago!

What I would like all of us to do is to maintain the pressure: If you are a Poet, please keep writing poetry to encourage others. If you are good at writing prose, please continue writing your narratives to let everyone know what’s going on. Similarly, if you are an Artist, please do the same … And, on and on.

In Closing, I would Like To Say This: This Is Singularly The Most Wonderful Thing That Has Happened In Our Beloved Iran In The Past Thirty Years! The Dangerous Task To Bring Down This Regime Is Being Done By Our Brothers And Sisters In Iran Who Have To Do It At The Point Of A Gun … Our Task Is Really Simple Here: To Give Them Moral Support, Financial Support, Etc., And To Continue Letting The World Know What’s Going On In Our Beloved Iran …

Remember, Our Goal Is Ultimately A Secular Democracy In Iran, With A Complete And Total Separation Of Government And Religion … Nothing More, And Nothing Less! 

Thank You …




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