To God, People and Mohammad!

An educated caring man, a true human, a human rights defender, a respectful attorney who has done nothing wrong, not even according to the strict and unjust laws of the Islamic Regime is now sitting in the corner of a prison if not being hurt or humiliated and instead the thieves, thugs and criminals are free and roaming around him.

Something is seriously wrong with all this!

All I have been reading and hearing in the past two weeks is that the people of Iran and outside have been calling your name
from their roof tops,
in the streets,
in their blogs,
in the corner of prison cells
and torture chambers
and before their last breaths:


Where are you?!
Have they detained you too?

Mohammad is his name. The name of Islam’s messenger
Mostafaei is his last name, also the name and title of Islam’s Mohammad
He is from IRAN
he is a Muslim
and It is the Islamic Regime of all that has imprisoned Mohammad

He is guilty of representing 31 children who are to be executed
He is guilty of writing against Ahmadinejad
He is a lawyer of the Islamic regime’s own laws

He is now in the corner of a prison cell thinking about his wife and own children
and about the 31 juveniles who can be executed any minute without his presence
and about 1000’s of others who are in the same prison as he is kept
and hearing people cry in pain, shouting and silenced
and thinking about the violation of rights of his imprisoned nation and country IRAN
and about humanity
and about his religion
and is thinking about you:
and he is being disrespected
and he is being threatened
and he is being accused
of whatever it is that he has not done

A man that anywhere else in the civilized world would have celebrated for his commitments to humanity
and thanked for his good words, good deeds and good thoughts

He is a good man.
An innocent man
protect him from evils who have jailed him.

GOD: Show us the way

and keep him safe
and give him back his right to be with his family and his people

He is there in prison so that those children can live one more day
He is there so that WE can be with our own family and friends
He always has tried to protect our rights and our nation’s rights ,
our human rights,
and our children’s rights

….now WHO is going to protect his?

We only have you
and ourselves Iranians
and the international community
will we and them speak up against this injustice?

Dear Mohammad,
know that you are in our thoughts and in our prayers.
Keep your head up and your heart warm as you always have
Remember that the prayers of all those children that you have saved from death and the prayers of their families are behind you
Remember that prayers of all human right advocates are behind you
Remember that the world respects you
Remember that “God is Greatest”

To help free Mohammad Mostafaei visit:…
Urgent action calls:
Amnesty International:…

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